Tesserrack Group  
  The Tesserrack Network

Managed Hosting

We operate mainly applications developed by TESSERRACK, in order to take advantage of synergies during the go-live, operations and maintenance phases.


Our physical infrastructure is secure and robust:

The systems are located in an anonymous building;
All accesses are controlled with personal badges and logged in a journal;
The server room is monitored by video-camera;
The temperature is controlled with a climatisation system;
The electrical supply is fully redundant
There is a direct 100 Mbps connection to the Internet backbone.

Technical platforms

Our focus is on Solaris, Linux, Oracle, Java, PHP as well as Microsoft platforms but we can also operate other systems at customer request.

We use extensively virtualization technology, which gives the opportunity to provide almost instantly and at low cost, environments that are consistent and that can be reproduced when needed.


The critical system parameters are continuously monitored and, in case an anomaly is detected,an appropriate level of alarm is activated, depending on the type of condition encountered.


© 2020 Tesserrack Systems Ltda.